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Thread: Network/filesharing help please!

  1. #1
    Spinal Pap Tomahawk's Avatar
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    Question Network/filesharing help please!


    I have just installed a new operating system on my computer. Windows XP Professional. But the only problem is, is that my Dads comp which I'm networked to I can't see under 'my network places'. I have got the internet working and I can also print using his printer but yet I can't look at his files. Which I need to do as I put some temp files on his computer which I want to copy back on my machine.

    Any help would be great thanks!

    Oh yeah btw I have Win XP and he has Win 98 sec


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  2. #2
    Administrator Moby-Dick's Avatar
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    you'll need to create an account on the 98 machine with the same username/password as your XP account.

    you'll then need to share a folder on your 98 machine et voila - file sharing ahoy ( failing that just email it )
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  3. #3
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    Originally posted by Moby-Dick
    you'll need to create an account on the 98 machine with the same username/password as your XP account.

    you'll then need to share a folder on your 98 machine et voila - file sharing ahoy ( failing that just email it )
    win98 doesn't deal with accounts in the same way as winXP/2k - you would only need to create an account on the WinXP pc if you wanted to share files so that your dad's PC could log onto yours to copy/share files

    ... however, in the scenario you have described you only want to share files on the win98 machine - to do this you have to share a folder - the default permissions is Everyone Full (check that all the 3 checkboxes are checked to allow Read, Change, Full Control access) so that you can copy files to and from the win98 PC. To do this on the win98 pc you will have to enable "File and Printer Sharing" from within Network Neighborhood > Properties screen.

    Once you have shared a folder on the win98 PC you should be able to create a mapped drive to it (easiest way to have access to the folder) - to do this on your PC go to Tools > Map Network Drive and give it the drive Letter you want (or leave it at the default - which is the next drive letter available - alphabetically) and in the box where it says "folder" type the path to your Dad's win98 PC ... eg:


    Where "pcname" is the name of your dad's PC and "files" is the name of the shared folder - don't forget to include all the backslashes.

    If this doesn't work - check that you have the name of the win98 PC spelled correctly - (check this on the win98 machine by right-clicking on Network Neighborhood > Properties > Identity) if it is spelled correctly then instead of putting the name of the pc use the IP address of the win98 PC ... eg:


    where is the IP address of the win98 machine it might not be so check it - I'm just using it as an example

    If you want to allow files to be shared from your PC there are a couple of ways of doing this ... let me know if you need help on this.

  4. #4
    Spinal Pap Tomahawk's Avatar
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    Thanks for replies

    Blacksheep & Moby-Dick

    Oh yeah Moby dick I cant just email the temp files I need of hius computer as they are like 5 GB!!!



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