SHE got the good computer, car, house, etc, so I'm stuck using a PIII - 500, for now. Money is tight, as I'm pretty much starting all over. I've been accumulating bits and pieces which I find to be exceptional bargains. Here's the lowdown on the parts I've so far accumulated:
xp 2500 retail
(2) kingston 256m/333 ddr (not dual channel compatable)
radeon 9200 128m
turtle beach santa cruz
(2) maxtor 8m 80g
win xp pro upgrade
I'm thinking of Antec 635/350w as my case.
Do you see any problems with compatability? Is the stock cpu fan good enough or should I buy a better one? Feel free to offer any other thoughts after you've recovered from the laughter.
ALSO, if any one would care to help me through my ordeal privately, please contact me
Thank you for your time.