Morning all,
Just bought a 750gb samsung spinpoint from Scan.
My rig now has 4 HDs: two 300gb maxtors, a 74gb raptor and the samsung.
When I try to transfer large files (2gb plus), or if I try to transfer a file AND explore directories on the drive at the same time, the 750 sometimes "vanishes". Everest still picks it up on the temp sensor, but it vanishes from my computer until reboot, when it appears fine.
3 of the HDs are on the same power cable (the 74, one of the 300s and the 750). Do you think it might be a power issue? the other drives seem OK, and don't have the same problem, but, thinking about it, the system does seem a little sluggish recently.
should I put such a large drive on it's own power cable? I have a 620watt Corsair PSU, it's a sata drive.