New Build PC
Asus P5K
E400 intel CPU
2 GB 6400 ram (compatible according to both the manual and Asus' ram checker)
Antec Sontana III case (500w power)
Asus P5K motherboard (1.02 motherboard version so should work with a 45nm processor)
E8400 CPU
BFG 9800 GT video card
Corsair 6400 800mhz ram
Antec Sontana III case (with 500 PSU)
When I have everything connected and power on, nothing happens, the cpu fan goes as if it was about to spin but then just stops without doing anything but slight movement.
If I remove the Ram, same as the above - no Bios Beeps
If I remove the video card then I get the 1 long, 3 short for a fault with the video.
Yes the 2x2 is connected as well as the main supply to the board.
Processor+Ram+Video Card=nothing
Processor+Video Card=Nothing
Processor with no ram/video card=beeps for no video, fan spins
Processor with ram, no video card=beeps for no video, fan spins.