P5k Premium (Pear Black) Bios 702
E8400 (3ghz) @ (532 fsb x 7 - 3724 mhz)
4x1GB Crutial Balistix pc2 8500 @ 1066 mhz, 5-5-5-15 2T, Memory Ratio is 1:1
Coolmaster 700w PSU
Gigabyte 4850 1GB @ Stock
Aftermarket CPU cooler
Bios Settings -
Fsb North Bridge strap - 333
North bridge volt - increased one step
Cpu Volt - 3.125v
DRAM volt - 2.2v
Pci-e frequency - 100
All other settings are manual but set at stock. I do this as i was getting the no post error after restarts that i have read so many people complaining about. Changeing all settings to manual resloved this problem, this also includes disabling the Remap Memory option.
Additional -
Memtest pass - 1hr
Prime stable - 1hr
CPU temps - 39-41c idle to 51-55c under load.
OCCT - Stable for 10min manual stop due to a strange buzzing sound coming from the CPU as far as i can tell? But only at very specific loads and other times not at all. Strange, i dont think this occurd before the high FSB was set??? But i did not test with OCCT with lower FSB's. Is this a concern?
I am quite new to OC and i am after some advice.
First and most important is the high 532 FSB i have set. Is this Safe or should i lower the FSB and increase multiplier? What are the performance differences? These questions are linked to the FSB strap, should it be higher, lower?
I have tried many different settings aiming at around 3800mhz, some with lower FSB and Straps and higher multipliers.
I have tested using sis Sandra for memory bandwidth current setup shows 9.1GB/s and using say 425fsb x 9 gives 8.2GB/s
I basicly want to get my system running the best it can.
Any advice will be helpfull, if you require additional information please ask.
Thanks in Advance