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Hello all,
I am new to this forums and I would like to introduce myself and my newly bought rig.
Please be kind in your critique as I have ordered the stuff and I can't bear to think that I have done any big mistakes!!! Mind you, I have studied and asked around thoroughly before ordering so the following setup should be good.
case: Antec 1200
mobo: DFI DK 790GX
cpu: 7750 Black edition
ram: 4gb (2x2) corsair twinX 8500
gpu: Asus 4850 512mb
Cooler: Arctic Cooler Freezer 64 Pro
PSU: 850w Coolermaster modular
hd: 1tb F1 spinpoint samsung
monitor: dell 2709w
bunch of fans and keyboard/mouse cordless combo.
I have a lightscribe dvdrw double layer (can't remember brand) new as a gift for Xmas
So what do you think?
My thought was to get a cheap/ok-ish cpu for the moment and upgrade to Deneb around March when prices will have stabilised. I was looking for a cheap upgrade path and I decided AMD was the most competitive option considering I am not on the lookout for the bleeding edge and I have no need for extremely expensive cpu's/setups or extreme overclocking.
I believe that the mobo I got will be ok for Deneb (as it seems, it has a 750southbridge and the 790gx chipset which is new and has been proven on existing benches and reviews of deneb to hold quite well with a bios update).
I thought of buying a strong psu, case, monitor as I intend to keep them for many years. The gpu is a middle class one as I don't game too much and I intend to change it around Autumn 09 with the new gen of gpu's. The mobo/cpu are headed for Deneb replacement and I will be adding for hd's in the near future.
So, what do you think?