Sister needs a laptop...
Got a few of the normal questions i guess.
- Firstly, they all seam to come with vista now, but some are 'home basic' and some 'home premium' or Business. Ignoring windows marketing garbage, is that actaully any real-world diffrence worth considering?
- Secondly. They basicaly all seam to come with 'wide' screens, even the business laptops. 15.4" seams commonest, and 15.6" (which is wider wide format?) and 17". Is 15.4" enough, seams small for some who runs twin 19's but most of them seam to be that size.
Also more specifcally, compairing these two HPs
There seams to be an awfully big price diffrence, for what seams very diffrent spec. All being one a Intel/Nvidia based system and the second a AMD/Ati based system.
Also been looking at Dells various offerings, bog std latitude, the 'studio' models, and the Vostro.