My PC is toooo loud. I can hear it downstairs when the PC is upstairs idling and it's no good for using at night when others are in bed. So can anyone recommend some new kit so I'm not constantly shouting "STFU" at my PC?
- My specs are: AMD 64 3500 S939 (Newcastle), MSI K8V Neo2 Platinum, 2x512mb Corsair XMS Pro, Cooler Master Centurion CAC-T02. All using stock coolers (HSF and case fans). The case can only take 80mm fans at the most AFAIK.
- I'm not looking to overclock so quiet components are prefered over things that are good for overclocking
- I've got an Artic Cooling cooler for my 6800GT, should I fit that?
On another note, when fitting a floppy drive temporarily for my mum I broke the cover/bezel thing and I'm not having a biege floppy drive sitting in the middle of my all black rig, any suggestions for what to put there instead like fan controllers, cup holders, card readers etc?
Thanks in advance