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Thread: which new dvd drive...

  1. #1
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    which new dvd drive...

    my dvd drive is pretty much packing up as I type this soooo...just wondering which is best out of two that appear to be on offer at aria currently; one is the Pioneer DVR-109 D, the other is the NEC ND-3540A
    both pretty much the same price, i've never had a dvd-r drive so could do with an upgrade...I'm leaning towards the Pioneer as its black (like my case) unless I'm told otherwise. alternatively if there is another one I should look at please let me know!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I think LG have a good drive for speed and media compatability. Don't remember where I read the review but it was up against the drives you listed. I have an older NEC drive and no problems. NEC is the one that normally gets recommended for media compatability. I think the 109D dropped it's speed on some media but that wouldn't bother me too much since these things tend to get fixed with a bios update.

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