Well, 2 years ago I got myself a nice new Toshiba Satellite 5200-801......with a not so nice £2500 price tag
It worked fine for most of this time however a couple of months ago it developed a problem, where if i play video or games CPU usage springs to 100% and everything on screen is slow and jerky.
Then the hard drive started to make some odd noises.... If i minimize or maximise a window it squeeks at me, i have done full formats and defrags and no help on either issuse.
Then the other night i tried to watch a DVD and no matter what i did, the dvd drive just kept spinning stopping and spinning again for about 5 mins, then said there was no disk in.... tried reboots, different dvds etc, but it would read CD's. So i left the laptop off for about 12 hours and tried again, After about 5 mins of searching for the DVD it loaded but its teribly slow now.
Then just now as i sat surfing the net... my screen made a funny noise and fell down.... and to my joy its hinges seem to have gone.... it wont stay standing up.... just slams down one way or the other...... and when i close/open it it makes a disturbing banging noise, also the lid will no longer shut as it does not line up.... and it would apear that the left speaker has come slightly away from the laptop. Also my hard drive seems to be making a louder nosie than usual now and i can feel it vibrating the laptop.
Now silly as it sounds this laptop was brought for me by my now passed away dad, and i havent been sending it back because i dont want to lose it. I got it from currys and have a 5 Year Extended insurance out on it. Will curries be able to repair it now? Its an old model and i dont know if you can still get parts for it. If i send it back and they replace it, will it be with a laptop of equal value, or of simular specifications? Thanks for any help/advice you can give
When i first got the laptop it died after about 3 hours, so i sent it back and got a replacement, will they still offer another replacement if need be?