Hey all,
Just got the new system up, and have noticed some strange things. The system is as in sig.
1) First off, in the bios the "CPU Bus Clock(Mhz)" is set to 200 and the "DDR Clock(Mhz)" set to 400. Shouldn't a 800fsb cpu be 400 bus clock and then 800 ddr clock ?
Also there is abit in this section of the bios called Performance Mode, which is set to "slow" ... LoL this is very weird, you'd expect it to be set at High or Medium or somthing, the options in the perfromance mode section are: Slow, Fast, Turbo & Ultra Turbo, and it's set on slow, lol. This can't be right can it ?
2) Also the "DRAM Timing Settings" section is set up as follows
Configure DRAM Timing by SPD = ENABLED
DRAM Cas# Latency 2 Clocks
DRAM Ras# Precharge 4 Clocks
DRAM Ras# to Cas# Delay 4 Clocks
DRAM Precharge Delay 6 Clocks
DRAM Burst Length 8
DRAM Integrity Mode = DISABLED
Are these setting geting the most out of the Corasir 3200 (400mz) ram, actuatly I can't find any indication of what seed the ram is operating at anyway, so actuatly what im asking is are these timings what you'd expect to see for ram at 400Mhz in dual channel setup ??
3) The 2x80gb sata drives in sig are setup in raid at 0, but there isn't any mention of any 80gb drives or any raid arry's anywhere in the bios, lol. In fact the only time raid is even mentioned in the bios is in one line I think called Onboard Promise IDE, which is set to "As Raid" but this dosen't make any sense, as the drives are sata not ide which is a completly different interface. lol
Also in Device Manager in windows, it reads the drives as "Promise 2+0 Stripe/RAID0 SCSI Disk Drive" this is also off, as sata and SCSI drive's are different types of drives.
4) Lastly, there is another line in the bios called "APG Aperture Size" which is set to 64mb. Shouldn't this be 256mb as eg graphics card has 256mb onbaord, or is this aperture size thing nothing to do with the graphics card ?
Cheers for all help, Dave![]()