Well if the Leaked patch notes are at least a bit right, the PvP honor sistem will be out in the next pach...this got me thinking!!
In our server like 72% of the players are alliance, wich means we have a 2 to 1 going on...i bet wen this comes out we will be swarmed almost instantly.
I can see it now, a bunch of alliance going after Xrs and Oggrimar!!We need to start thinking on something to avoid this upcomming swarm of turds!I dont know if its possible but conversation and coordination with other guilds might be important!
A thing that just pops on my head is an early warning system!!
Around the barrens and durotar in strategical points we could assing some players to work as scouts for certain periods of time, or on strategical hours of the day...or simply put someone on ratchet watching around(im up for it, no probs at all)!!
Another thing is a garrison!!By garrison i mean that certain players would be assingned to a certain place...for example, 2 players (lets say around lvl 40) to Xrs...1 player (around lvl 30ish) in camp taurajo, and others in oggri and stuff...so wen we are under atack, everyone would know were do they have to gol, what place they should help defend...
Its just a thought, so if u guys think this is just stupid, say so