Sadly, I don't share your faith in human nature and have to disagree, not all people are reasonable. The leaders of extremist groups are often well educated and completely unreasonable. Osama Bin Laden as we know is a well educated man, as is his second in command. The leaders of the Baader-Meinhof came from good middle class backgrounds and a university education. No one can ever accuse them of being reasonable.Originally Posted by Galant
The followers on the other hand often are not educated or from good backgrounds. At least in the context of the current wave of religeous based terrorists (nothing here can really be neatly boxed up). Often such people are fundamentaly reasonable but have been 'educated' by the wrong people. Namely fanatics who are in positions of trust. The word of a cleric is basically law in the countries where these people tend to hail from. Now if the recruitment grounds are educated and a better standard of living is generated then the groups would have a harder time filling their ranks. But I very much doubt if they will go away completely.
I haven't seen the programmes, I did see a lead article about them. Interestingly at the end of the cold war when we got to talk to Soviet troops as 'squaddie to squaddie' it seems we'd been living under the same fears. They were as worried about us steaming through and wiping them out as we were about them. Mutual (unfounded) fear kept us beligerent. The only information we had to go on was given to us by our respective governments. All along it seems that the only beligerents WERE our respective governments. Perhaps they were afraid that if left to our own devices we'd have done what the troops in the first world war did. Down tools and go play football with the other side. An event that shook the establishment on both sides to their roots. Imagine what the world would look like today if those men weren't so bound by a concept of duty and had decided they would carry on playing football instead of picking up their weapons the next day. No Russian revolution, no Lenin (exiled in Switzerland), no Stalin (would have stayed in Siberia), no Mao (would have carried on as a peado school master). No 'stab in the back' so no Hitler (another painter and decorator). Food for thought?