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Thread: Muslims, Islam and violence.

  1. #177
    Join Date
    May 2007
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    Correct me if i am wrong, but didnt george bush say that god told him to go to war, a war which has taken countless lives and has cost ridiculous amounts of money all in the name of Christianity.
    p.s. jharne got you iranu dont you feel silly!

  2. #178
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    No country is, has been, or ever should be multicultural. The reason is not because we are all different, but rather because we are all the same.
    And as such need cultural, religious and ethnic SOVEREIGNTY.

    "Fundamental concensus on basic institutions and beliefs within the state are essential to the continued stability and prosperity of the people. The fledgling democracies in Eastern Europe collapsed under the intense conficts between rival ethnic groups." - Politics U.K. (5TH EDITION)

    The English people are no more an immigrant mixture than anyone else but rather an ETHNICITY.
    We, and all major countries have had the vast majority of our immigration from the surrounding areas of similar heritage. We are Anglo-Saxon/ Anglo-Norman (or North-men) established for over a thousand years on this island, the last 300 being completely devoid of any significant political upheaval. That is why we are all white, wide-eyed, and why the current ethnic and religious problems we now have belie any notion that our heritage is already multicultural.

    Multiculture and immigration are BUSINESS DEALS that destabilise, balkanise and prevent any decent distribution of wealth through it's only true champion of fair wage AND reasonable hours.(Socialism)
    IMMIGRANTS and NON-ENGLISH CULTURES are not the problem.
    Allowing large-scale immigration followed by the appeasement of multiculture is.
    A world-wide recession is all that is needed for 99% of the reason to have immigration to Britian to disappear.

    Circumstances dictate peoples actions, words, political affilliations and loyalties. That is why people who thought that they would never vote B.N.P. in their lives have now done so.
    And that is how Hitler was able to do what he did.
    And now we are creating similar circumstances as we watch the rich get richer on immigration.

    Muslims and other immigrants are here for "a better life". Well, the English drink culture, Christianity, the weather, etc..are certainly not a "better life". We English create the vast majority of social problems.
    That leaves what reason for coming here?
    Money. A very unstable reason for both sides.
    Last edited by Alex Berry; 22-06-2007 at 05:53 PM. Reason: Mistake

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