Right, lots of replies to answer so please excuse the multiple quoting...
Accepted, and yes, it is sad. But the fact still remains that you don't see the followers of other religions doing anything like this.Originally Posted by RedPutty
Please note, I am NOT attacking the Muslim faith nor am I trying to stir up anti-Muslim feelings... if this thread takes a turn in that direction in the slightest I will personally dump it. But I do feel that these issues should be discussed.
I understand this but where I'm having trouble is in the apparent extremism being displayed in one faith. Lower on I'll be quoting Taz, who appears, from his replies, to be the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm not suggesting that Taz is not a faithful follower of his faith, nor suggesting that he is lacking in the way he chooses to worship, far from it.Originally Posted by RedPutty
No, absolutely not. But I am questioning how a faith can swing so drastically from one extreme to another. To be frank, the reaction to the cartoons worries me deeply. Don't these extremist, violent demonstrators see the damage they are causing to their argument?Originally Posted by RedPutty
Nope, I don't agree with that. I don't think that Muslims as a whole are violent, but I do think that some of those who follow the Muslim faith are violent and hide behind their faith as a justification for their violent actions.Originally Posted by [GSV]Trig
Thank you for posting Taz.Originally Posted by Taz
And note that people... A BRITISH Muslim. This has nothing to do with race, colour or creed.
Same here.Originally Posted by Taz
I couldn't agree more. I can't say I was 'outraged' as I'm not a Muslim, I'm not even religious, but I was shocked, and to be honest, rather angry that any protestor should think that this is a reasonable way to demonstrate their feelings.Originally Posted by Taz
Well that has to be the saddest thing I've read all day. I'm very aware of the whole being 'tarred with the same brush' thing... I wouldn't want anyone to feel under threat for their beliefs. I'm wondering if this is about intergation at all... surely complete integration would mean that we wouldn't even be discussing as it would have happened and we wouldn't be aware of it? Even so, I'm well aware of the fact that there are millions of peaceful Muslims all seeing guys running around burning Danish flags and wondering where they expect that to get them.Originally Posted by Taz
Not too sure what this has to do with it, but I'm not all that chuffed with Tory Blair... sorry, TONY Blair... or Fatty Prescott for that matter.Originally Posted by Taz
You shouldn't feel embarassed over your faith. I have the utmost respect for anyone that can follow a faith. I can't do it, its just not in me. I just can't believe in an omnipotent, all-powerful being... I just don't have faith like that. I understand that many people draw strength from their faith and find great solace in it. I sometimes wonder what it'd be like but then I hit the wall of belief... but that's just me.Originally Posted by Taz
Now THAT'S hitting the nail on the head! I hesitate to use the word, but could it be some sort of lack of control? I don't know the history of how the Muslim faith has grown and spread, but isn't there some kind of top man, like the Catholic's Pope to step in and sort it out?Originally Posted by Taz
I apologize if I've upset you. I'm not trying to be unreasonable, I'm trying to understand. I know there are many Muslims who just get on with life and, like everyone else on the planet just want a quiet life and to do what they please.Originally Posted by Taz
I suppose the real crux of this is that ANYTHING done in the name of a faith automatically drags the passive, peaceful followers of the same faith into equation too.
True, but as discussed just uo above, perhaps the Jewish faith is either less open to misinterpretation or hasn't had as long to be twisted into something it isn't?Originally Posted by Wyoming
And I'm afraid I'll disagree with you there. Integration, as I see it, is a bit of give and take on both sides. There's something to be gained for both sides nearly every time. If someone chooses to not integrate, that's fine with me, I'll still accept them. But if they then start to dictate the way they should be treated, even after I've made concessions and allowances for them, that's when I start to think I have a problem. We all have to make allowances if we're to get on with each other, that means everyone not just those who pick and choose what part of another culture they want to be part of. That's just taking advantage.Originally Posted by Wyoming
For the record, I think the cartoons, taken as a whole are too much. But they do open up the question of how do you debate an issue. That extremists should set a faith up as being above everything, including laws in place to protect the general populace is disturbing and raises the question of how to control the followers whilst still alowing them to worship...
You know, I'm starting to wonder if religion as whole is just a bad idea all round.