I started my rma procedure with scan on the 25th August (had all my PC parts packaged up from then) as my newly built PC was having slowdown issues. After a while it had turned out that I had a faulty motherboard, so scan sent me a replacement motherboard and the rest of my parts back on around the 8th of September. So I built it all up again and got all excited i'd finally have a PC again, except it wouldn't boot! I had a faulty RAM returned to me (the ram was rather loosely packaged by scan so i'm guessing it was damaged during the delivery?). Still had a stick to use so I thought it'd be ok, i'll still be able to use my PC while rma'ing the faulty ram. The next day, I try to boot up my PC, and it stops giving a graphics output. So I sent my system off to scan with slowdown issues, only to have it returned with faulty ram/maybe graphics/motherboard.. I've sent off the parts for rma again but it's been about 20 days since I had a PC and am about to go mad as i'm a gamer and that's most of my holiday gone waiting on RMA's.. If something comes back faulty again I think i'll explode!

Just got to say i'm really dissapointed and frustrated, and am currently a very unhappy customer.. Just needed to vent a bit as the wait's getting really frustrating for me :x