RMA 214511
4770 was sent back for repair around 5 weeks ago.
Last week on Thursday I called to check the status of the order. Due to a mistake it had not been sent to gigabyte. Mark told me that he would check into replacements and email me suggestions since I had been kept waiting.
Friday (between 4pm and 5pm) I had not recieved an email so called up and spoke to another person. He said Mark was no longer in, a note would be left on his desk and to call before 2pm on Saturday if I had not recieved the email.
On saturday after 1pm I called and spoke to Amanda, she was the only the person in. Mark was never going to be in on Saturday. By this point I was rather annoyed since I had to chase it up. However Amanda was very nice and prommised to get back to me on Monday after talking to a manager to look at getting it sorted, even mentioning maybe a slightly faster card due to the trouble I have been through.
Today I called after 4pm since I had not recieved an email (I have not had ANY emails) and was offered a HD 5670. Reviews have shown the card to be slower than the HD 4770, while its nice having DX11, its not actually fast enough to run DX11 mode (only gets 10-20 fps).
The GT240 was offered and Mark admitted that he did not know the numbers, but looking its not acceptable since its a decent amount slower.
I know the HD 4770 was pretty unique in performance per £ (I was curious as to what I was going to get offered).