Originally Posted by
We accept that mistakes were made and for that we apologise, when you first called us 22/10 about the problem we should have realized there and then on the telephone that your order was a counter sale and not mail order. Had this been the case our advice would have been either - bring it back to the store in person OR if you didn't want to travel in person it could be returned at your own cost. If you were to bring it back in person an RMA would not be required.
We did send an e-mail to you shortly after your first conversation on 22/10 however on checking it seems you never received this as for some reason we had your e-mail address down as ********@blueyonder.co.co.uk (removed beginning to protect your privacy) obviously this meant it bounced back as un-deliverable a few days later 24/10.
In the meantime you posted on this forum 24/10 out of hours (friday evening), then again in hours 27/10 on Monday afternoon. Following your second post on this forum you called us 27/10 and spoke to a different staff member who realizing the mistake with the e-mail address issued an RMA and sent to your correct e-mail address hence why you got these e-mails but not the first after speaking to the first staff member. Again it was not spotted that this was a counter sale and not mail order hence why you were offered a collection.
I then replied on the forum the following day 28/10 in the morning @ 9:43 and after seeing your posts from Friday evening and Monday afternoon and realizing what had happened , you acknowledged my reply later the same day presumably understanding you were not entitled to a collection as you expressed your unhappiness.
Despite this you had replied to the collection e-mail, and as such we arranged the drop off with UPS, your comments I intervened in your post #6 are not true, the drop off with UPS was and still remains active however I can see that you decided to return it to us anyway which ultimately given the nature of your order is the correct thing to do.
Once again we apologise sincerely for the errors in relation to this return and for the confusing and contradictory comments, unfortunately this can happen when dealing with multiple people over different methods of communication telephone, e-mail and via the forum.