Its a forum so anyone is entitled to their opinion if you make your whines public. People who have responded are defending good customer service. I'm sure that most would discount your posts as unreasonable anyway as, you must agree, you are being just that.Now on another small note what does this have to do with you tbh?
1 week is a VERY short time to wait for a replacement.
Do you SERIOUSLY think if you had shopped elsewhere it wouldve been better......of course it wouldnt.
Maybe if you tried to ask instead of ranting you would be getting somewhere
Obviouslywell they obviously dont have excellent customer service or i wouldnt be here complaining and id be on my pc which ive been waiting a week to go on.![]()
Also you were 'obviously' the only person that had an RMA this month aswell so you had all Scan employees undivided attention.
(I apologise Scan for posting here on this subject but this real?)
Last edited by Blitzen; 02-04-2007 at 02:37 PM.
actually yes i do as every other place i have had stuff sent back for replacement has been super fast and very appologetic for any delays unlike scan.
Also ive had past problems with scan and always the same thing of them either not sending it at all which once happend or delayed.
So that is the reason i will no longer be doing buisness with scan as of the time i finally get my replacement motherboard.
heh if only
just to make things worse stuff gets here today open box up to see the only thing replaced was the actuall motherboard and my cd holder is ripped to shreads.
then i read on the motherboard 945PL when my motherboard is a 945P which is £10 more and supports my ram.
So phone scan up and they sort it out there going to pick up tommorow and send replacement motherboard asap.
So definetly got to say phone support guys very well done but scan picking crew
fail tbh.
Supports your RAM? Why won't the PL not support it?
well it wont support my ram at 667 id be on 553 which i wont take obviously but tbh i dont you can justify sending a cheaper motherboard.
dude ive read these posts and am surprised SCAN have been so polite when helping you.
You have done nothing but be rude and inconsiderate tot he guys at SCAN.
I myself have RMA'ed with SCAN recently, i sent of my RAM, it was tested and the replacement was sent out and withint the 3 - 5 days which SCAN ask you to allow.
I personally think your being abit impatient, the SCAN customer service is the best ive experienced.
SCAN do there best to please everyone, its obvious that you cant believe.
errm can you read im on the 6th working day with the wrong motherboard and it will either take another day or two to get the new one here.
Also if scan think im rude then i feel sorry for them as they haven't met the general public.
And its obvious you lot dont work with people as you'll know the customer is always right and you cant refuse to work with them because you think there rude.
Actually your wrong, i work and i meet public and customers on a daily basis.
As for customers always being there not, customers can and are wrong some times.
And in my line of work yes i can refuse to server or help a customer if they are being rude towards me.
So what, what difference does waiting another day or two make? I had to wait TWO years before I had what I needed for my computer...Just be patient
The customer's only right when something is for sale. Frankly, I think your attitude is utterly appalling, and I think it's to the credit of the Scan employees that they've acted the way they have, certainly in public. There's nothing at all to stop them keeping you waiting for another couple weeks. Think about it.
I think scan have treated you too well, personally if you called up the call centre I work in I would have hung up, I am always far more willing to bend over backwards for a customer if they treat me with the same respect I treat them with.
"As for customers always being there not"
dude are you a idiot this is a saying and it means customer is the priority, and tbh if you dont serve a customer because you think there rude which im not being lol your not seeing whats being said on the pms and tbh phillip has only brough arguement here so he can cause a flame fest so i will be complaining about him causing public unneeded trouble.
Also if you dont serve a customer as you think there rude then you lose money so tbh who losses out? i know id serve anyone no matter what!
so if you dont serve rude people what else dont you serve cause from sounds of things you discriminate alot
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