Read more.If you like your mini PC to be small but not so small it prohibits a PCI slot, then you're in luck. Stealth's LPC-450PCI Little PC will give you that all important single PCI slot along with a Core 2 Duo processor.
Read more.If you like your mini PC to be small but not so small it prohibits a PCI slot, then you're in luck. Stealth's LPC-450PCI Little PC will give you that all important single PCI slot along with a Core 2 Duo processor.
Methanoid, it works on the basis that Stealth Corporation sent out their press release on February 27th. Tech sites all then have the option of using that press release to make a story. Not much of a coincidence.
not much smaller than a mini-itx box, but a lot more expensive. I wounder how noisey they are thou.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
Well to keep a PCI slot I'd rather have a mini-ITX such as Intel D201GLY and in a decent case with some room like the Noah case OR... Shuttle's new KPC, which if you read the manual has a picture showing that there is actually a space for an optical driver, just some dremel work needed on the plastic front panel to allow it to get to the outside world...
This Stealth thing certainly doesnt rock my world!!
the problem with all these small PCs is the noise. Or am i the only one that gets bothered by that?
The sky+ box for instance drives me nuts.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
Really? A work friend from my old place had one (this was not long after they launched, they might of done some more work) and there was a humm much louder than the HDD.
I'm quite tempted in building a passive ITX box, was planning on ordering the bits tommorow with an 8gig SSD, that can run a snazzy MCE interface (nothing i've seen is as nice as vista MCE on a HD widescreen)......... But the moeny for that has been spent replacing a leaking stopcock in the kitchen
but then again i'm also considering making a latching relay controlled by it, to switch the sky+ box OFF, for when i goto sleep.
But the award for loud sounds has to goto the sky hd box in the lounge. Damn its loud.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
Tiny, high(ish) rpm fan? The V1 boxes had quite large fans by comparison to the new ones (the box was larger too so makes sense). I modded my v1 by taking out the small fan, attaching some ducting and then a larger low rpm fan on the back - two benefits: low noise and a much cooler (more stable) box.
Tolerance for noise really varies but most people object to whine more than hummmmm
As for this PC - did the box design take more than 30secs? It's horrible.
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