Read more.Guitar Hero Greatest Hits delivers the best tracks from past Guitar Hero games, and they're all playable in full band mode.
Read more.Guitar Hero Greatest Hits delivers the best tracks from past Guitar Hero games, and they're all playable in full band mode.
Talk about a swift kick to the gentlemen vegetables for Guitar Hero fans, stop me if this sounds crazy but I should not have to pay £40 for a disc full of songs I've already paid for once by buying the original games just to have drum and bass note tracks added to them, at the very least I should be able to choose my favourite tunes and download them for a more reasonable price.
It's people like me who supported the Guitar Hero games in their infancy that want these tracks back to play again and we're getting bent over by the very franchise we healped create![]()
I agree! Having brought my brother guitar hero 1 and him subsequently buying all the others its a real slap round the face to release this game at this price point![]()
Yep, I agree. Way too expensive, but as you say, an essential purchase for any early Guitar Hero adopters. If I had to pay for it, I'd hang on for the price to come down. - undisputedly the UK's largest, best trusted and most influential PC technology enthusiasts resource - the original, the best, the most trusted independent customer & retailer ratings - discussions, help, opinions & news
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