Read more.One-Teraflop of FP64 double-precision performance and 8GB+ GDDR5 RAM.
Read more.One-Teraflop of FP64 double-precision performance and 8GB+ GDDR5 RAM.
50 Enhanced Pentium 1 cores... so that's 50.0000000000000000000112394
aidanjt (21-06-2012),cameronlite (21-06-2012)
i tried parallel comuting once, didnt know whether I was coming or going
(pointing out spelling errors in a vaguely humorous way since 2006)
From the image - 'synergistically' - What the hell sort of rubbish is that. Sounds like made up marketing words to me...
Bah, I have 80 cores on my desk.
But... it doesn't run Linux. And it only does 40GIPS (integer instructions not floating point ops).
Syngergistic talk is probably designed to counter AMD fusion talk with onboard GPU being part of the CPU.
Doesn't look like much of an EMI shield out back...
Still, nice to finally get this from Intel.
Also talking about pentiums 1s (I had a P60 as my first PC!) - does the idea of a coprocessor remind anyone of the 386 days when you needed a coprocessor for floating point. It good to see nothing changes...
Actually the i{3,4,5,6}86 targets still defaults to 387, you have to explicitly set -mfpmath=sse to enable SSE intrinsics on 32bit machines, I haven't noticed any ill effects running it globally on Gentoo. The x86_64 port made the break to SSE by default.
I'd be interested in seeing how this coprocessor card will be implemented in practice, whether it is actually a coprocessor at all for a start. The description appears to be more discrete.
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