Read more.De-clutter your touch-screen game of virtual buttons.
Read more.De-clutter your touch-screen game of virtual buttons.
Might just work
hmmmm... not convinced it has any purpose for gaming? Then again I'm one who thinks having games on a Tablet is a bit like wanting a mini hottub on an airplane.... yes it can be done and it'd sell well for those who like to brag about it (and have money to burn) but really... can't you just wait till your home to get in a decent one?? lol
9 directions, huh? First - Tiger Stance, second - Turtle Stance, third - Bear Stance, fourth - Phoenix Stance, fifth - Flash, sixth - Smite, seventh - use item 1, eighth - use item 2, ninth - macro for "gg easy" =P
Too bad it's only for Android yet =(
Stroking a Puppy? Eh?
Isn't one of the biggest problems that you can't really hold the phone while using the ring? You have to rest the phone on the table so it in fact actually reduces what you can do.
Edit: Maybe they're talking about digital sandwiches and puppies?
Currently studying: Electronic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Southampton.
I think this is quite smart. They could presumably make a version to enhance video control schemes as well (kinnect) - a combination of accurate finger tracking and clear button usage would be ideal.
From a user's perspective I'd find it useful (probably). However, by adding a controller is adds that extra complication - the Wii was fun but the controller was rubbish. Kinect is much better because actually - anybody can use it because you don't have to learn anything. The whole philosophy of Kinect is about no controllers and by adding one (however simple it is) destroys it's principle.
The 5 hour battery is awful - I think I'd get fed up of taking it off to charge it. For me, I'd rather just have a controller at the ready.
Oh and fingerring - seriously?
Currently studying: Electronic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Southampton.
I'm going to attack a ton of comments right now...
Yes, there are a few of us who think advancement in technology is a necessity. We enjoy our video games on the go. We would also enjoy a mini hot tub in our airplanes. We throw our money away.
The development of an open source bluetooth controller for a tablet/phone has been widely discussed, and this isn't the first project that is on a kick-start. Either way, you're going to HAVE to set the phone down. For skydiving enthusiasts; you can't jump out of the plane AND fly it. Sometimes you have to make "sacrifices". Put the phone down.
(If anyone has come up with a way to enjoy their mini hot tub WHILE flying their plane, please let me know your technique)
...Kinect is horrible. To try and integrate this with Kinect is ignorant. Reminds me of the fat people who think they're getting a workout while playing Wii Bowling, even though they're sitting on the couch swinging their arm to their side. This product has the ability to be revolutionary. I can only assume you're not familiar with the use of emulators on an Android. That's one of the main purposes of any controller like this (even though most companies won't admit it because of copyright reasons).
...Or you think the iOS is the most revolutionary operating system in the world. I apologize; I'm trying to wrap myself around your explanation of this product being integrated with Kinect, or being connected to a Kinect in any way, shape, or form. Enjoy your dance parties on Kinect with your grandparents after they've taken too much pain medication. Blew your mind after the first time, huh? Grandma had some pizzazz that night!
...If you're complaining about 5 hour battery life, there's a problem. There are plenty of warnings out there STRONGLY URGING you to NOT play over a few hours at a time. If you kill off one of these from a full charge in one sitting, I have a solution for you; walk outside and start running down the road. It's called "jogging". Works wonders. OR, while "jogging", hold your phone/tablet in ONE hand, and use your "Ringbow" to play your games. It's a win/win situation. Everyone is happy.
Don't forget grandma and grandpa, and a bottle of their favorite medication. All-around-hootinany.
(all typed while blowing off time in my hot tub in my private jet)
i think you are to fixated on gaming via kinect and other technologies, you know there are actual productive advantages to using a gesture based input system, things like 3d modeling can be further improved and just general working. You arent being forced to use a unergonomic mouse and keyboard, your hand shouldnt be pointing down(flat) and its really bad that we dont have many side ways mice as thats the neutral position and this gets round that.
Gesture based inputs have limitations, you dont always want to be doing multiple things with your hands etc, combining this means you can for example press button a and then move your hand to rotate. This system will compliment the current designs/technologies.
Although apart from that i cant really think of any uses, you either use the touch screen controls or you have a proper large controller, atleasts thats my view.
wtfitskeagan (25-06-2012)
hahahah really?? this isnt going to work at all. especially as the kinect uses no controllers and had to be downgraded as the original kinect was able to read finger movement but would have been too expensive.... or they thought they would keep it for the xbox720 ??
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hahah stroking puppies .... anyone seen the film the gamer?? that fat dude in a VR world as a sexy woman... u know thats the future... sad but true lol
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Last edited by peterb; 29-06-2012 at 05:47 PM. Reason: Posts merged, unauthorised advertising link removed
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