Read more."A charging elephant becomes unstoppable at 20 miles per hour".
Read more."A charging elephant becomes unstoppable at 20 miles per hour".
There are not enough games with Moose in them!!
Skimming over the title at first, I misread it as "Latest Far Cry 4 trailer introduces the almighty Nyan Cat".
Sentient Elephant Terrorists.
"...most famously by Alexander the Great..." Surely Hannibal's major trek over the Alps with a whole load of elephants is more famous than Alexander's general elephant usage, but then this is a tech site not a history site so what do I know?
Of course I'm perfect you just need to lower your expectations.
Far. Cry. 4!!!
but can you go prone and lean? Until they reinstate the full range of motion from FC1 the franchise will remain a bastardised console port version of something that could be a far cry better.
Yeah Gitsum
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