Read more.But the island may not "be inhabitable… or reachable by any means other than a boat".
Read more.But the island may not "be inhabitable… or reachable by any means other than a boat".
Wait acctually?A free island?
On other news Just Cause 3 Day 365 edition has none of the marketing colouring, all the content, 12 months of patching and a more appealing price tag.
With no multiplayer (at least at launch correct?) getting it now pretty much boils down to "must haves", and most of us will already have a 3 year old list of those yet to be played...
So yes fun at parties and the dream consumer of any game developer, but honestly very few games warrant the premium and hassle of day 1 purchase.
I can't find a "Day 365" edition anywhere and to be honest I'd expect it to be patched if it needed it, and not expect to pay for the privilege. So I'm assuming when you say "patching" you actually mean "DLC".
The JC3 pre-order is more of a quandry. GAME have an "exclusive" laser guided RPG, but other's have three vehicles for their pre-order customers. Best deal on the "freebies" I've found so far is on Square Enix's own site - PC download customers not only get the three vehicles but also a sniper rifle with explosive rounds. And I'm thinking "long reach, precision and a big bang - ooh the fun I can have with that"
Oh and I wouldn't bet on it being multiplayerless on launch - there's a line in the Features list on the entry for it on the Square Enix site that says "Online community features", but I'm guessing that probably means score lists.
Day 365 edition is the usual game of the year/complete edition released a year or so later, often cheaper and hopefully without none of the launch issues/bugs and all the dlcs/content included.
I must be a strange one since all this exclusive content meant to incite me to pre-order/purchase on a specific retailer does exactly the opposite. Why bother with a fragmented product on release?
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