Read more.Happy Meal box repurposing is being pioneered by Swedish McDonald's branches.
Read more.Happy Meal box repurposing is being pioneered by Swedish McDonald's branches.
Of all the McBandwagons™ the McMarketing™ department could jump on, the McIdea™ of having McHappy™ vision and getting your MciPhone™ covered in the McSauce ™ that invariably spills in your McBox™ is the last one on my McMind™!!
Wonder how many McCustomers™ will sue over McSalt™ damage to their McDevices™... probably invalidates the McWarranty™ anyway, as it's their own stupid McFault™. For that reason alone I'd certainly not try this as I know how McDonalds™ McLawyers™ would love to McGrease™ me up and fill McCavity™!!!
Jonj1611 (02-03-2016)
yeah I don't think so... I know there's going to be a push for smells to go with the 3D experience but I can think of a lot better smells than a mcdonalds happy meal....
Great, so you get a VR box that smells of McDonalds and is covered in chip grease, that sounds like a stunning idea.
Its a gimic to make you buy loads of greasy food not healthy really is it i think i can think of a few things to spend my money on rather than this pathetic attempt at a VR viewer
There's also another way of looking at it. Normally these containers would be used once and then thrown away (well, recycled one hopes). Now there's an intermediate step of VR viewer, and if that gives someone who's mildly interested a chance to try it out for no outlay then where's the harm?
I honestly can't see anyone running into McD's to buy an unhappy meal just on the strength of getting a grease marked phone holder.
The good point of your post though is that maybe this is something that could also be done by healthier options. For example, eat your breakfast cereal and then do the VR thing with the empty packet and see the production process. Nutrition and education!
Although why does this remind me of those toilet roll binoculars that we used to make as kids? Lol
The question is , will the 'McGoggles' make the product you receive in reality, look like one you ordered from the menu pictures?
But the sort of person who smells like that and eats McDonalds is probably not the average VR geek, because VR requires getting up out of your chair and moving around a lot!!
Part of me would be quite amused at people walking around with McDonalds™ boxes over their faces, going "WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!" before tripping over the Drive-Thru™ kerb... but that'd quickly turn into sadness, followed by arrogance and elitism once I'd saved up enough money (by not buying junk like McDonalds™) to afford a proper Rift/Vive!!
Ultimately, some moron will leave the Drive-Thru™ and be trying to enjoy their McHappy™ Vision™ while still driving, it'll go horribly wrong and VR will be slammed into the oblivion with all the other fantastic things that the mentally irresponsible should not be trusted with... like vaping, chainsaws, skateboards, installing an OS and so many others.....
Tell me again why it's a Happy™ meal?
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