Read more.And up to 4-way Radeon RX Vega graphics or 2x GeForce GTX 1080Ti cards in SLI.
Read more.And up to 4-way Radeon RX Vega graphics or 2x GeForce GTX 1080Ti cards in SLI.
Surprised at an only $2k price tag!
Personally not a fan but I do love it when companies push the boat out.
However it seems more sensible to paint it as a workstation rather than a gaming rig, as not only do the higher c/t chips have lower speeds, but the extra cores are useless for gaming.
Then again I guess the type of people buying rigs like this do it to have the very top end part, rather than the most suitable part.
That monitor though...unf.
The case looks like some kind of power unit from Stargate Atlantis, except given that it isn't, I am not a fan. As Tunnah said I'm happy to see someone just throw together the best system they can for consumers though.
Real winner here is the X35, as long as it's built as well as it's specced. Almost makes me want to join green team.
Removed, nothing to see here
Last edited by Kanoe; 31-08-2017 at 12:51 PM. Reason: Removed as late to the post
Honestly, that case is hideous! I pulled up all my current components over the weekend on amazon, my rig can be built for just over 1.5k - has a proper appropriate gaming cpu (latest i7) a gtx1070 and a far nicer case + a ROG mobo!
You could probably go even cheaper with an i5/1060 build and spend half of what they will ask for the same specs.
looks epic but lacks AMD THREADRIPPER
Why X35, you're gorgeous! I want a new toy.
I wouldn't use that monitor. It's clearly a weak point in the space-time of the Universe. Not one, not two, but *three* cracks!
CAT-THE-FIFTH (31-08-2017)
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