I have a website. It is mainly made in swish because swish is easier for me to use than flash. I load all my sites content (news etc) into a sprite in swish called 'content'.

No problems there.

I like to import elements of flash mx into this sprite. I made an flash file called news.swf in flash. Play it on its own and it runs perfectly. Takes the news from a text file and puts into a scrollable text box.

No problems there.

I set up my news button in my swish movie (index2.swf) to load the movie news.swf into the sprite, content.

The scrollbar shows up, but not the text. Im pretty certain i have to put the absolute address of the textboxes (now inside the sprite), but im not quite sure what to do.

My actionscript is as follows:

myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
myTitle_txt = this.title;
myDate_txt.text = this.date;
myText_txt.text = this.entry;
} else {
myText_txt.text = "error loading variables";


myTitle_txt = the title textbox
myDate_txt = the date textbox
myText_txt = the main article text textbox
news.txt = the text file containing my text


Hope someone knows what im going on about, and how to sort it out !

Thank you,
Chris Traverse