Abs, everybody wants them but very few get them.
I'm working hard on mine but I think I could use some extra tips.
I workout three times a week and my workout includes two Ab excercises:
3 sets of 15 reps on an abdominal crunch machine with the weight at 50Kg.
2 sets of 15 reps ball crunch.
I'm finding that my abs are definately a lot firmer, I just need to shed the extra bit of fat on top of them. I'm working on it and I'm happy with my progress.
I think with time my abs will be well visible *fingers crossed*.
Whilst I'm doing all this, what else can be done to help the process?
I've read on a few places that there are a lot of simple things you can do such as sitting in a certain way or tensing your abs from time to time and holding them tensed for a minute or so.
Does anybody here have any tips?