
I have been starting to use the 1.0.4 release of the webserver module that Thecus offers on their website, and found two errors in the startup script start_http.sh in the directory /raid/data/module/webserver/bin.
Both errors together resulted in the webserver not reporting "started succesfully" after trying to start it, but staying in an infinite loop.
With the changes proposed below, everything works perfectly. It should be noted that the error is a result of following the suggestion of the Thecus webserver usermanual to change the default user from ´nobody´ to anything else in httpd.conf

These are the errors:

1: The count loop from 0 to 30 with the variable wait_count does not work because at the 'sleep 1' command, there is no increment of the value wait_count. Solved by adding:


2) If you follow the suggestions to change the default user from nobody to another name in httpd.conf, the startup script searches for the wrong user ("nobody") after having started httpd.
I changed it by adding a line in the beginning of the script:

check_user=`grep "^User " /raid/data/naswebsite/conf/httpd.conf | awk '{print $2}'`

and changing the reference to 'nobody' in the ret=`grep ...` statement a few lines later to $check_user

Obviously, you can only fix this if you have ssd´d yourself into the box
