Hi Guys,
You were a great help last month when i was putting together a new system & 'am hoping that you'll beable to do it again.
everything seems to be ticking along quite nicely till I put a CD or DVD in, the disc spins up like its being read but then everything grinds to a stop with programmes not responding.
This results in me stabbing at the reset button beacause i lose patience & can't be bothered waiting the 15-20 minutes it then takes to shutdown.
Its a Liteon lightscribe dvd drive - I know this works as it was used to install everything (& does very occassionally work normally).
Since it last worked, a week ago, i've only installed spy sweeper, this has since been uninstalled-just incase-but made no difference.
All the cables have been checked, several times, & are fully pushed in & secure.
The Bios has been updated and is currently set at the defaults, checking on the crucial website the ram voltage is set correct at 1.80V.
As I've never done any overclocking before - i haven't fancied messing about with the settings without any advice as i'd likely cook everthing.
Any ideas what I have or haven't done to cause this?