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Thread: Raid Trouble

  1. #1
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    Question Raid Trouble

    I've been trying to set up a raid5 with this setup.

    Using the IP35 Pro

    6 sata ports, I'm using 5 drives for a raid5, and 1 drive as the operating system drive. I'm running Windows XP.

    I've re-installed windows and installed the drivers from floppy as directed. Using the Intel Matrix Manager, I could see my raid & modify it, but it didn't show up in disk manager. I couldn't partition it or view it under my computer. So I decided to just install all the drivers from the Abit driver disc, then I got the "WriteErrorVal ErrCode: 6" error.

    Its driving me crazy , is there a step I'm missing between creating the raid and making it usable? Bios shows it during startup and raid status is normal I just cant get it to show up under my computer or disk manager. Please help!

  2. #2
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    Re: Raid Trouble

    I'm struggling to understand how its possible to install Windows successfully onto a raided drive, and then the raid partition not show up in Windows.

    I can only presume that the install of the OS went on a completely different drive. So did the raid partition show up as an option to install the OS onto? Wouldnt this be the proof of the pudding bit? The point where you know (on Windows XP at least), whether you have chosen the right driver at the F6 stage and that its working.
    ...and 1 drive as the operating system drive.
    Edit: Doh. Maybe my mind couldnt comprehend why you would want to do this, and thus edited it out on my first pass

    On both mobo raid installs Ive done, I've not needed to actually add any additional software later in the OS after install, to get full benchmark test speeds. The driver at the F6 stage seems to be all important.

    Maybe a more experienced forum member on raid setups can shed more light if you post this in the main tech forums. Not much trafic in here for raidy questions.

  3. #3
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    Re: Raid Trouble

    Yea, I got the OS on a single drive, and the Raid5 on its own. The OS drive is not a part of the Raid5. I usually like to do the OS drive on a separate drive just in case a virus gets a hold of it I can just format or physically unplug the other drives to play it safe.

    I finally got it fixed by installing Vista. It was a pretty easy setup with Vista. There were different ways I could have got it on XP using a single raid, but by using the OS on a different drive and having a raid gave it troubles. Thanks for the input!

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