Suprisingly I'm looking for help on this, I've researched the problem for the last 3 months with no resolution, this is basically my last attempt at fixing the problem before I launch the ruddy system out the window...
Basically 1 of 3 things happens, I get random program crashes (multiple programs, more noticably WoW, IE and Firefox), I get BSoD's with NV4.dll errors or STOP ref's with the same memory errors as below or I get files being corrupted so I have to re-install (which is frustrating after 50000000000 re-installs).
The program errors are either: e.g "Memory reference at X00000000000007c(differing letters) could not be read" or the same error but "could not be written"
I've tried differing voltages and timings to no avail.
I've removed the Nvidia Firewall, Access Manager and IDE drivers
I've updated drivers until they've come out of my ears.
The really REALLY frustrating thing is that I've had this problem before and fixed it... then I formatted the system before heading to a LAN, and now I cant remember how I fixed it before the only thing I recall is downloading some software patch for the MOBO which fixed it.
I've tested the memory(Memtest95 etc), the HDD the GFX cards in another system and they all work perfectly, it's just on the AN8 32X they have a problem