Hi all,
I have had my ip35 pro for some time now and have been running on a 320 gb IDE drive, using Linux Mint 5 (Elyssa). This drive has now failed and I have 3 SATA hard drives from dead computers. I have removed the old IDE drive and coupled up the 3 SATA drives. The smaller one (80 gb) I have installed Windows XP pro to without any problems. When I try to boot up any Linux livecd none of them manage to load and get to a desktop. I have tried lots of boot codes.
The burned disks are good and boot using other peoples computers so I think that it is something peculiar to my computer. I have made changes in BIOS to see if I can resolve the problem without any success. I always go back again and change the BIOS back, but the whole business with BIOS frightens me a bit.
What settings do I need to change in BIOS to run the 3 SATA disks please.
Best regards Keith