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Hi everyone. New member, but a long, long time user of Abit boards. I've been running with an IP35-E for the last couple of years and during the summer installed the 18 beta BIOS found here (thanks). It actually did not solve my E8400 E0 temp problems (not sure why not), but I kept using it because it got me to 4.05GHz @450MHz FSB. So I figured it couldn't be too bad.
Well, I installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 a couple of weeks ago (no troubles). Once I finally got all my apps migrated I decided to try the Virtual XP mode (need it for one or two old but useful apps). When I ran Microsoft's check utility it said I did not have Virtualization capability on my hardware. Confused, I rebooted and went into the BIOS to see if maybe I had to turn it on. I honestly never noticed it before because I really didn't need it, but I was surprised to see under CPU Feature that I had neither that nor the 1/2 multiplier capability listed. Has anyone else had this happen?
Is it possible that a bad flash could cause BIOS features not to show up? Is there a better BIOS for the IP35-E, E8400 E0, with all features working and good OC'ing capability? I'd be willing to turn off the Temp alarm if it's an earlier version.