Yesterday I bought a E8500 just after christmas, I boot up and first got the recognizable 92*c temperature reading off the cpu but not system... (In the bios mind you) I had to disable the cpu shutdown temperature to even boot up into windows.
I fixed it by flashing the bios via usb with the Intel E0 stepping bios from the other thread, this got the temperatures correct in the bios and got my chip recognised...
However this bios doesn't fix the locked multiplier at 6x, I kinda don't wanna run a E8500 @ 2Ghz after spending a sum for it =|
I also found out that after clearing my bios with the cmos jumper, it would vary the multiplier using EIST correctly but if I restarted, the multiplier would lock up at 6 again...
It's just a bios problem really =[