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Thread: Fatal1ty AN9 32x 9.0 and C1 post errors

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Fatal1ty AN9 32x 9.0 and C1 post errors

    My system:
    Power supply: Cooler Master 550W RS-550-PCAR-E3
    RAM: 2 times Corsair 1GB DDR2 PC-5300
    Videocard: Inno3D GeForce 7950GT 256mb
    CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X@ 5600+ Dual Core 2.2Ghz

    First off ill say that my system has been running for about 4 years with only one major problem (power supply died and was upgraded, more info later).
    Always had the 9.0 Post error on startup which led me to always turn the power supply off at the switch untill the LEDs turned off, then powered it up, held power button for 8 seconds to turn off and finaly when the power button was pressed again it would boot up as normal. This wasnt a problem for me as it led to better security against my less tech savvy family.

    Everything was running normal today, nothing out of ordinary when I had to turn off my system for a couple of hours and when I came back my usual startup routine didnt work. Upon checking the POST screen I found that I was continually getting the 9.0 and C1 errors.

    After 6 odd hours of googling and reading related posts I now know I am well out of my depth on this matter.

    What I have come to think (from reading those forums), it could be any of these but I am unsure of how to check which:
    -Power supply problem
    -RAM problem
    -Videocard problem
    -BIOS chip problem

    Processes ive done:
    1. cmos discharged, with and without battery.
    2.Tried 1 stick of RAM in each of the 4 slots.
    3.Tried 1 stick of 1.8v RAM brand was King something 2GB in all 4 slots.
    4.Praying to the machine gods.

    Power supply problem from above, about a year ago 350W Antec smart Power supply burnt out after 3 years, for those counting. Upgraded to the supply mentioned in specs at top.


  2. #2
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    Re: Fatal1ty AN9 32x 9.0 and C1 post errors

    When i remove videocard, harddrive and cd drive i get past the c1 and 9.0 errors and get stuck on a 7F error.
    Does this mean that my videocard is dead? Or that the bios isnt giving it enough voltage?

    2nd Update:
    Changed videocard to second slot, got to 5d. Once got to the abit red post screen but was unable to get into bios. Trying to repeat.
    Last edited by Unhappychappy; 11-05-2010 at 02:59 PM.

  3. #3
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    Solution to 9.0 and c1 errors

    This is the steps you should take to fixing this error:
    1. Dont post on these forums, big waste of time.
    2. Find a compatable motherboard that ISNT abit, since they have been bought out gl with any customer assistance.
    3. Install new motherboard and your good to go.

    You could send to get a preflashed bios chip but that takes quite a while depending where you live and may or may not work.
    The motherboard is definitly the problem, not the ram, cpu or videocard.

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