I thought ABIT bit the bullet years ago. I saw these threads and figured I'd Google "ABIT" and see if they're still alive and kicking.
Alive? Barely. Like the motherboards I used to own, years ago.
Kicking? Definitely. As in "Kicking the Bucket", which describes exactly what the two motherboards that I bought from you did, almost immediately.
This is my 1st post, (will you quit whining about me not posting now, Hexus?), so I can't post the link to ABIT showing that their site will be taken down on February 28, 2012. Or, as they most eloquently state it, "28st (sic) February, 2012." You are still quite illiterate using the English language, as I quickly learned before.
Finally. The end of one of the most buggy, useless motherboard manufacturers on this planet. Also, their quite useless, non-responsive Forum that I quickly came to loathe, again, years ago.
In all honesty, I cannot say "R.I.P., ABIT". I hope you roast just like a couple of my cpu's the 1st time I tried to boot one of your completely useless motherboards. I had very little money back then and you practically stole it from me.
Here ya go, Hexus. My 1st post. Will you kindly leave me alone now? I only post when I have something to say and need no encouragement from anybody to do so.
Oh, I almost forgot;