trying to run Q8200 on this board with Windows Critical Error occurring randomly after booting up.
I have tried to update bios with both 16 and 18 beta but during dos bios update the bios shows its getting updated and blocks are being written and updated but the last set of blocks on final line do not go white, the stay blue and have not been updated.
Is this correct, I ran the runme.bat and also ran awdflash as command line with all the switches recommended by Abit but either way I get same results, surely i should be writing to all blocks with update.
I just want to run Quad on this board like I see so many others. i have tried the temps and shutdonw fixes in bios but my tempp readings are actually correct and are usually around 22-24 degrees in bios but I disbale shutdown and max temp anyhow.
Any ideas anyone.