Recently built a machine with this board and its lovely, it really is, but i have a couple of problems that need resolving.
The first is the sound, the AC97 soundcard is fitted correctly, and all linked up correctly as far as i can tell, but i have a Creative DTT 2200 5.1 Dolby system and no matter what speaker settings i use the rear right speaker setting comes out of the subwoofer (and yes i have checked all the cables individually). I also cannot seem to get the mic working.
will i need to buy a new speaker system to have this working, or alternatively pick up a live 5.1 card?
The second issue and far more important issue is my graphics card, i purchased a BFG 7900 GT OC card from while i was in the USA earlier this year (took me another 9 months to get the cash together to build the system), and the computer is resetting or crashing out of World of Warcraft. The microsoft error report tells me that its a graphics issue (something to do with threading ) that suggests that my drivers may need upgrading (using the latest), or the acceleration toned down. I have not plugged in the lower left power socket on the mobo (due to the soundcard being in such close proximity, and then having a PSU issue which had me panicking that i had fried the board. Is this connection possibly the issue ( i was under the impression you only used that connection if you had 2 cards running in xfire mode and having an Nvidia card i cant do this) or does it sound like a card problem (not easy to replace the card as i got it in the states)
thanks in advance for any help you can give me.