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Thread: Air Flow and the Antec H2O 620 Watercooler

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    3 times in 2 posts

    Air Flow and the Antec H2O 620 Watercooler

    Got a bit of a dilemma a friend of mine wants me to build him a new computer.

    Got the specs sorted Windows 7, Intel 2500k CPU, MSI Z68A-GD65 (G3) Motherboard, 8 Gb Ram, 64GB SSD and 1 TB WD Black Caviar harddrive.

    A mild overclock to 4Ghz on the CPU.

    So far so good, however he insists that he keeps his old Fujitsu Siemens ATX Mid Tower case

    The reason being it goes with all his other office gear (gun grey colour).

    This is an old Pentium 4 case. One 90mm fan at the front bottom, one 90mm fan at the back and the plastic tube to a hole in the side panel, you know what I mean.

    Any way I thought I could change the front fan to a 120mm, no room to change the back one, has to stay at 90mm. Blow hole and fan on the top of the case and
    blow hole and fan on the side panel.

    Then either attach the H20 620 to the top or side panel.

    Which would be the most effective?

    Would there be enough airflow?

    Would it work?

    Sorry about the long post, any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanking you in advance.
    Last edited by Beowulf1100; 22-11-2011 at 10:13 AM. Reason: Spelling

  2. #2
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    Re: Air Flow and the Antec H2O 620 Watercooler

    I did not to a scientific study (others have) regarding placement. I say it is best to put the radiator with the fan blowing inside the case (intake) at the rear of the case. That way you can get the hot air blowing up out of the case.

    I am actually switching my radiator back to the back of the case.

  3. #3
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    Re: Air Flow and the Antec H2O 620 Watercooler

    Thank you asuchemist for your reply.

    The problem is at the rear of the case there is only room for a 90mm fan.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: Air Flow and the Antec H2O 620 Watercooler

    Hi there,

    Although I understand he wants to keep that old enclosure, I highly suggest you talk him out of it. You can use componente longevity due to superior airflow as an argument. Maybe you can convince him by showing our Solo II enclosure that can win lots of people over with its awesome looks: . Seriously he will have much more fun with that one compared to an old FSC box.

    If you really need to stick with that enclosure, I suggest you try to mount the radiator to the front then (that is if the hoses will reach the CPU area at all) as mounting it to the side panel will be somewhat of a hassle.

    Best regards,


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