Guys hi,
I'm using a G4 Dual 1GHZ Power PC with 2GB ram and a Rad9000, running Tiger.
I used to love Counter Strike but cant get it for a Mac but I have heard good things about a mod for Unreal Tournament called Tactical Ops that I can run on this machine thats a lot like CS however you need to have Unreal Tournament first and given that its nearly over an 8 year old game I cannot for the life of me find a copy to buy
Has anyone run this Mod before that might know if it will run on UT2004 as I can buy a copy of that no bother but I have my doubts as to wether it will work and there's limited info on the net about this ...
Any other suggestions of good FPS's that I can play on this Mac? I miss my gaming but my flat was burgled and PC stolen so this Mac is one of the old ones from work, I really really like everything about it other than the limited games available.
Any advice appreciated.