Right, so I've got this virgin OS X install here, what apps do I need?
Freeware is good, shareware is ok, and expensive software is not so good
I'm looking for an IRC client and recommendations??
Right, so I've got this virgin OS X install here, what apps do I need?
Freeware is good, shareware is ok, and expensive software is not so good
I'm looking for an IRC client and recommendations??
you can get bitchx with aqua interface, it's a nice irc program
Who's your daddy?
Hmm, just trying to think what I use....not a lot really, my cheapo Tosh lappy gets loads more use than my iBook because...because....well it would run ePSXe smoothly with FFT, and now VisualBoy Advance smoothly too, which the iBook doesn't :-(
Mint Audio for OGGs (never could figure out the plugins for iTunes??) - $7
GBrowser for piccies (free/donationware I think)
dselect for all things UNIX (gonna have to get the full OSX/X11 doobry again)...
Hey! Panther in 2 weeks!!
Whats that other thing, NoSleep.
Apart from that and Starcraft...dunno!
Well Hello!
Yeah, got the Panther Upgrade on order for £14
Grr....well actually I was so annoyed they wouldn't do me a deal on Jaguar when I bought my iBook about a month before it was released, so its good they are doing it for you now....
Guess its time to stump up my £99.01 or whatever it is at the 'Store!
Well Hello!
IRC - I got a good one...
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