I bought my other half a used G3 powerbook firewire edn. for Christmas. Nice wee machine, does everything she wants it to just fine except burn CDs.
The drive that came in the machine doesnt look like the original drive. Not that I've seen one but it's a DVD/CD-RW, AFAIK these machines shipped with combo (i.e. CD-RW/DVD-R) drives. The current one is a Sony of some sort and for some reason it wont burn with iTunes, iPhoto or Toast Lite. According to the shop I bought it from this is because it doesn't have official Apple firmware or something. First question, is that a load of cobblers?
Second question is, can anyone recommend a decent drive to replace it? Even if it did work its an older Sony slimline drive (CRW series I think) and it's specs are poor by todays standards. She's used to the 52x CD burner on my PC so will need something fairly good for a slimline drive or I'll never hear the end of it. Anyone put a 3rd party drive in a PowerBook that has a happy story to tell about it?