We've had someone come in to see us with a faulty G3 500MHz slot loading iMac. It looks like it's the power board that's faulty, and possibly even the logic board. I've suggested to the owner that as the repair will probably be very expensive, it might be worth putting the money towards a new iMac.
However, she is adamant that she won't do that, because she needs to use OS 9 due to the version of Quark on there not working on OSX. She doesn't want to upgrade to the latest version of Quark, because "it would be expensive".
I've got prices for replacement bits, but they seem very expensive, so does anyone know where I can get a refurbished Mac of similar specs from? Problem is, it HAS to be a UK registered company - I can't buy from abroad or private individuals (which rules out ebay sadly). I can arrange payment by credit card if necessary, but not via Paypal.
The Apple refurb store doesn't have anything even half that old in there.