i got an old s reg vectra stuck on my drive, an aa bloke told me if i bridge the plug in socket with a bit of wire the abs light flashes the fault codes. do anyone know where i can find out which ports and the list of codes thanks mick
i got an old s reg vectra stuck on my drive, an aa bloke told me if i bridge the plug in socket with a bit of wire the abs light flashes the fault codes. do anyone know where i can find out which ports and the list of codes thanks mick
never heard of that...sorry bud.
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
Not tried flashing the ECU codes out of a VX before Zak, I used to carry a bit of wire round with me in the Cally all the time
What model is the Vectra?
I have mechanics for this....and computers
Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
Quite keen to find out the outcome of this (I have an X Reg Vectra) and although there is nothing wrong with mine *touches wood* I'm always keen to find out info about the car.
yes its true, but not as you you've been told.
the multi plug that you bridge out makes the mil (aka engine management to you non technician's) light flash, not the abs light.
A sequence of flashes tell you the trouble codes stored in the ecu. for example, 3 flashes, pause the six flashes = trouble code 36 = air flow (from memory, not got the technical data book with me, and its been a while). you need to record each code, as 2 or 3 may be stored.
the problem occurs when you want to erase the codes from the ecu, some codes will go automatically (about 100 starts later) when the problem if fixed, most will be erased when you disconnect the battery for 20 mins or so, others can only be cleared via a scanner.
if you post your cars full details inc engine code, I'll post here the full instructions on how to obtain your trouble codes, once you have the codes, post them, and I'll tell you what they are, and attempt to point you in the right direction
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