I'm hoping this is going to be a cheap fix, but anyway here's what the problem is, and I've had it for sometime (well ever since I had the car) but as when I first noticed it, I was never really that bothered as it was never that much of a big deal.
Anyway basically the passenger side window struggles to go down, sometimes it jams a few inches down and just sticks. It will go back up. Sometimes it will go up and down fine, others it goes so far and just makes a shreiking/grinding noise.
Drivers side door, and this is the biggest pain, but today it was the worst it's ever been. Got it all the day down fine. Needed to put it up, it went up so far, and then went back down again. It kept on doing this till I eventually let it go all the way down and it went up again, part of the window was out of the rubber guide, so I think this one has somehow come out of it's runner, not sure whats the matter with the other one though.
I appreciate that my car is getting on a bit (8 years old a few weeks time) so things like this are to be expected, any help greatly appreciated.