Just posting this to let of steam, and see if any others have been in a similar situation ?.
Last night driving home from work at around 5.10 pm I went to overtake two cars on a streatch of road with a long clear view ahead, indicated and as eveything was clear I proceeded to overtake moving into the opposite lane. Now when I draw level with the first car infront of me, I'm doing around 55 MPH, it indicates and proceedes to attempt to overtake the car infront of it !.
Allmost a brown trouser event, but I slam the brakes on and vere even further to the right and mount a grass verge, but the car still attempts to overtake and hits me on the passenger side (nice metal thud sound).
We both pull over a little further up the road when it's safe, swap details and inspect the damage. At no point do I say sorry at I was not at fault, but neither does the other driver. I get home and get a severe telling off from the wife for taking her car (registered in my name and I'm the primary named driver on the insurance) in to work that day and not mine (ouch !). Once the kids are in bed I drive back to where the accident occured and take photos, you can see where I braked hard and had to swerve to try and avoid the other driver.
I get home and check the photos, and by now it's around 8.15 pm and there's been no call from the other driver so I call her, we swap insurance details etc but still no apology, and I even kindly offer to e-mail my photos to her which she accepts and I do later that evening.
I've now lodged all of this with my insurer, however, I get the feeling that this is going to get sticky with the other driver not admiting liability. When I spoke to her both times she was very cagy and really didn't say much, which annoyed me, but I was very polite at all times and asked her if she was ok multiple time as well I'm a decent guy.
The only issue I have is that as this is a second car for our family, and money is tight, I chose not to take legal cover, although if this becomes a nightmare I may contact a solicitor and get them involved.