I'm looking at switching a car allowance as part of my salary - as far as I can tell they dont have a lease company with them , so looking at what my options would be.
Its a £500/month allowance but I need to pay for everything out of that ( inc tax / insurance etc. )
it has to be of a reasonable size - guessing something like a focus would be the smallest.
It also has to be (initially) less than 2 years old.
I'm quite taken with some of the new skodas - went for a test drive in a superb estate , which was quite impressive.
Can you lease nearly new cars ? ie get a 2008 plate one ? I suspect a 24 month lease is probably going to be the sensible option as it will keep my costs pretty fixed...
So which brings me to my next question , what to get
Its possibly an opportunity to get the "owning an alfa" bit out of my system as well.
I'm not fussed about CO2 , especially on a lease where they are paying the tax as the allowance is subject to regular tax etc so I dont have any Benefit in kind to pay.
Any other Hexites on a car allowance rather than a "company car" - what did you guys do ?