cos its in a list....we have them for all parts...
do ya self a favour....go into the Parts dept and Sales dept....get some price lists....and look for it....
it will have a TOTAL PRICE INCLUSIVE...the dealer is SUPPOSED to obey that....
if they aint done one....go somewhere else.....
the bumper comes off...then you drill 4 holes through the shell casing (the painted bit) and put the sensors into them....
remount bumper...and wire up beeper unit which has the sensors plugged in....
HOWEVER....on a Corsa, we have a MUCH CHEAPER version....
the rear NUMBER PLATE comes off.....we glue onto the edges of the number plate the sensors...they are on plastic protrusions....the same depth as the bumper ....refit number plate....
fit beeper into car and wire sensors to it....
very very easy
not as good as having the 4 sensor kit tho..that covers far corners too....but it helps